Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Thank You!

Normally I am snarky as hell. However, given the rarity of Leap Year, I thought it appropriate for me to show my rare mushy side—just this once! Thank you to all my followers, my commentators, and my readers. Without you, the BadHallDirector blog would just be a neat format to hold my ramblings. Knowing that I have a loyal base keeps me motivated to write relevant posts and be as honest as I can. Residential Life is a crazy profession and without a laugh or two, none of us will survive. Thank you again, and keep reading!


  1. I really enjoy your blog, as a fellow Res-Lifer! Thanks! I recently started blogging my adventures and life growing up in Res Life, check it out sometime.

  2. Wonderful!! I'll definitely check it. Have fun blogging. It's great therapy.

  3. As a former RA, it is a pleasure to read your blog and follow your Twitter to hear stories of residence life craziness. I identify with much of what you have shared, and I look forward to reading more!

